Hello and a big warm welcome to Ultra Social, a space to reflect on all the extraordinary stuff that makes us human, which admittedly is a pretty broad remit. If I had to sum it up, I guess it all boils down to being human and living well for longer.

It’ll be somewhere to share all things that have been feeding my insatiable curiosity and I hope these might be interesting or useful to you too x

Photo: Eddie Judd photography

Who am I?

I’m Sue and I’ve spent a lifetime studying human behavior. Starting from a place of acute shyness where I was too scared to speak, I started people watching and have never stopped. It’s a long story - not least because I’m getting on a bit 👵🏻 - but it incorporates a psychology degree, my own PR business, 15 years as BBC broadcast journalist and the last 16 years as a social media coach and consultant.

But the best job I’ve ever done is being the mother of three fabulous people and step-mother to three more. And now I’m a doting Granny to two fabulous small people 🥰

I guess career-wise you could say I was a mother of reinvention, having changed direction many times. The latest, as I steer towards the end of my career, is that I’ve recently trained as a QiGong teacher (more on that later) and am going on a year-long mentorship scheme with a fabulous teacher Mimi Kuo-Deemer, to up my skills and to share these with others.

This Substack is my way of walking the walk and finally putting my own voice out there having helped literally thousands of others to do the same. So I really hope you’ll join me and support my writing by signing up now.

So why should I and what’s in it for me?

First up, I’m hoping it will be fun 😃

It started off brilliantly about a year ago and I was absolutely chuffed how many of you gave me such lovely feedback - thank you so much! But life had other plans and I hit a massive hurdle after my beloved dog, Monty died unexpectedly in the car on the way to the vet. He was the most glorious nutter and the very much the centre of our world with his many quirks.

Where’s my cheese?

It knocked the stuffing right out of me and I didn’t have the heart or enthusiasm for anything, let alone writing.

But after virtually hibernating for months and some deep reflection around the Winter Solstice, I think I know where I’m heading. So I’d love you to come along for the ride and share how you’re navigating life and living well in the slow lane or in ‘Sniper Alley’ as we say when you get to ‘a certain age’.

Live now. Live well. Live longer

So please do sign up and thank you so much to everyone who’s already subscribed. It means the world to me 😊

I was advised by Substack to turn on the Paid Subscriber option from the start, so I took their advice but haven’t yet worked out the bonus offerings so for now please do sign up for free and all I ask is that, if you enjoyed the posts, you share it with a friend.

For any work-related questions: speaking/mentoring/training, please get in touch. I don’t have a website, but you can find me all over social media @suellewellyn on Twitter and LinkedIn - if you add enough lls.

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Reflections on being human


✨ Incurably curious optimist 😃 Former BBC journo turned UltraSocial trainer/mentor. Foodie, gut health, garden, QiGong teacher, obsessed with learning ✨